Friday, August 6, 2010

Clarification as to Divorce

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify something from the website.

The Questions being raised about fact that the President of Small Victories has been divorced and remarried are not a comment about the idea of divorce, but rather a comment on the fact that she has continuously used the very fact that others have been divorced and remarried as weapon against them, to run them off and hurt them, as well as make them look bad in the public eye.

All the while hiding the fact that she herself is guilty of these things, and ignoring the fact that if being divorced and remarried disqualifies others from service to God, and from standing in front of an abortion clinic convincing women from having an abortion. It also disqualifies herself.

She equally hides this fact from those in authority, that would consider it a disqualifying factor in their decision to make donations to Small Victories. One has to ask why?

The leaders of Small Victories are quick to point out the hypocrisy of others in the pro-life movement, even citing Jesus' statement about ignoring the log in your own eye as you point out the speck in your brother's eye.

So with this in mind, how can she in good conscience accuse others of adultery, knowing that she herself is guilty of it according to her own standard?

In this author's opinion, this is exactly what Jesus was talking about when he said that every man would be judged according to his own his deeds. Matthew 16:27

What right does the leadership of Small Victories have to point out the sins of others, when they do not admit or accept that they are sinners themselves?


Anonymous said...

True humility will be worked in a heart that admits its sin and looks to Christ for forgivness. It ought to pain us to confront sin in another person, and it should be done with love and patience, not out of envy and spite.

President Small Victories Exposed said...

Exactly Friend for Life, we are told to confront our brother quietly and in love, and if he repents you have regained your brother.

It is the angry hateful method they use that this author is pointing out.

Unknown said...

It is my personal belief that nothing can be written to correct their behavior. Her and her husband are deeply troubled people who are in serious need of professional help. They have destroyed much of the will to protest at the abortion mill.
Do not contribute to them. They urgently need our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I find it very interesting that frequently what the leaders of Small Victories accuse others of is what they themselves are guilty of. For out of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Anonymous said...

Friend for Life said "It ought to pain us to confront sin in another person, and it should be done with love and patience, not out of envy and spite."
Perhaps I am missing something but I see no spite and certainly no envy with the printed or spoken words concerning the trouble the Michael family have cause for themselves. I think we are obligated to stop a person or persons who are bent on destroying the peace of innocent pro-life activists. I feel it is a sin for anyone to stand by and do nothing while observing the Michael family behavior. Most of us know the difference between right and wrong.

President Small Victories Exposed said...


Just some minor moderator mediation here.

Anonymous (the second) posted "Perhaps I am missing something but I see no spite and certainly no envy with the printed or spoken words concerning the trouble the Michael family have cause for themselves."

I think Friend for Life was referring to the GLEE that Small Victories exhibits when they are "confronting" the sin of other pro lifers.

And the fact that they use this confronting as a weapon to kill the spirit of the person, rather than a tool to hone the edge of the believer.

So, I do not think Friend for Life was referring to the content of this blog or the website.

Thank You, and keep the commenting going.